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Experiencing Global Diplomacy: Our Journey at BERMUN 2

by Dila Kizilkaya

The BERMUN 2 Conference was held from February 20 to 22, 2025 at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, where our school had the honor of representing Kenya, Syria, and Cyprus. Cen-tered on the theme of “Fighting Inequality,” the conference encouraged debates on eco-nomic justice and equal opportunities. We—Dila, Manuela, Paulina, Marta, Alessandra, and Rocco—had the pleasure of being accompanied by Ms. Träger, Ms. Engelhardt and Mr. Stracke.

The conference began with an opening ceremony, where our fellow student Marta had the honor of delivering a speech. We also had the opportunity to listen to speeches from other delegations and engage with various thought-provoking questions, which was truly fascinat-ing. The next two days were dedicated to drafting a resolution in collaboration with the countries we were negotiating with. Naturally, differences in opinion arose, and finding common ground was not always easy. For instance, in the ILO (International Labor Organi-zation), we had a heated debate about child labor—some countries supported it, while oth-ers strongly opposed it. In such cases, we had to work together to find a compromise, which was challenging but ultimately achievable. Despite the seriousness of the conference, there were also breaks where we enjoyed meals together and read Committee Observations—always a source of entertainment! These included everything from funny pick-up lines to matchmaking attempts between different participants, making the experience even more enjoyable. At the end of the conference, each committee presented its final resolution. Af-ter all the hard work, the event concluded with a closing ceremony, where each committee had the chance to share some final remarks.

As students, we were incredibly grateful to take part in BERMUN, as it gave us the oppor-tunity to raise our voices and represent our assigned countries on such important global is-sues, while networking with students from Germany, South Africa, Great Britain, France, Denmark and the Netherlands.

